Upper Valley Uprights
Est. 2022
Piano Tuning & Servicing
Yamahas Bought & Sold
How often should a piano be tuned? Whenever you want it to be in tune!
If a piano is mostly inanimate, once a year is adequate for maintenance. If played regularly, twice a year is recommended. Should a piano reside with passionate players, seasonal tunings are appreciated. If playing with others, recording or performing, tuning just before playing may be ideal.
Humidity changes the dimensions of the of the soundboard, bridges, rims, and beams, causing the piano to become sharp in the summer and flat in the winter here in the Upper Valley. If not tuned for some years, these humidity swings contort the piano, making it impossible to tune without first reestablishing its proper tension.
Pianos require maintenace so that their 12,000 parts function as designed. Every few years a thorough cleaning is called for. Adjustments are often necessary at this stage so that the keys and action remain quick and responsive.
We also buy and sell Yamaha upright pianos that music students won't grow out of. These pianos are big enough that thier tone and playability allows stuents to develop into advanced pianists, but small enough to be affordable.
Piano Service of all upright and grand pianos:
Tuning $90
Cleaning, Adjusting, Repairing $30/hour
Pianos Available For Sale:
Yamaha P22 Walnut 1993 $2500
Yamaha U1 Ebony 1971 $3500
Includes moving and tuning; Flexible payment options
Adam Patridge
Upper Valley Uprights LLC
Lyme, NH
adampatridge@icloud.com email
(603) 440-0035 mobile